Wednesday, 23 July 2008


I didn't actually mean to post twice in one day yesterday, I was all set up to post-date the laughter post, but forgot and by the time I remembered, someone had already left a comment (you're just too darn quick!) and so it was too late to fiddle about with it!

Oh well, you got two for the price of one! A BOGOF as the supermarkets like to call it - Buy One Get One Free - how on earth do people manage to come up with the wackiest acronyms, do they come up with a suitable 'word' and then try and fit the phrase into it, or do they just happen to have created the right set of words that make a rather nifty (or silly!) acronym?

Ha, I have just realised that Soliloquies Of Tash makes me a SOT - no, I don't drink to excess, although my family do like to tease me about my love of wine - which isn't so unusual except that you need to understand that my family are not wine drinkers at all. Mum likes the odd glass, but usually only when I am around cos then we can share the bottle, as otherwise Mum drinks one glass and then the rest of the wine tends to go to waste!

There also the acronyms that are just plain ridiculous like NIMBY - which is Not In My Back Yard, which simply means those that protest against developments in their area, usually some new chemical plant or something, which is fair enough I suppose.

Anyway, do you have a favourite acronym or one that drives you mad every time you see it?

Today's ICLW comments:

Haven't visited anyone yet...
you'll get the list tomorrow!!


Unknown said...

Although I love learning to live sustainably, I hate the acroymn APLS - Affluent Persons Living Sustainably. I don't consider myself "affluent" because my hubby and I live on a very small income, but I do like doing my part to save the planet.

VA Blondie said...

This one does describe Hubby and I, though it sounds silly...
DINKS: Double income, no kids.
It makes us sounds sad, I think, and probably makes us the target for all sorts of things. It indicates we may have a lot of disposable income. Of course with the price of gas going through the roof, that disposable income is a lot less than it has been.

Erin said...

When my parents got their two dogs, they got the runt of the litter for free. My dad wanted to name her BOGO for buy one get one. We settled on Meg instead. I am in EMS and we have acronyms for everything and sometimes the same one means two things. It can be confusing.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...not too big on the acronyms, but it drives my husband crazy that I abbreviate everything. He once walked away from me in the mall because I said that I wanted to go into PBK (Pottery Barn Kids). And I do looooove my Champers (Champagne). Abbreviating is fun!

Lane J said...

Where I work we have what we call the UAT ABC Soup. Everything seems to have a 3 letter acronym. It's fun unless your new like me and have no idea what they stand for like me!!

Michelle said...

for kicks, hubby and i throw around BFF alot, in reference to different friends and where they rank (in total jest)--we also use whatever the latest texting commercials use in jest as well!

Shelli said...

Hello from ICLW!

(There's an acronym right there!) Peronally, the ever-popular MILF acronym annoys me. And how it evolved to be an equal opportunity term encompassing every family relation.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Returning your comment for ICLW...

VA Blondie said what I wanted to say. I am also part of a DINK couple, but wish the NK didn't apply. And, right now for a few months I am not being paid for at work, so we are temporarily single-income (and SINKing fast!). Right now the whole acronym makes me feel bad.

BOGO makes me think of the Bogo flashlight ( When you buy a solar-powered flashlight (which comes in handy, since flashlight batteries always seem to die) they give a flashlight for free to people in Africa, Latin America, etc. who otherwise would rely on kerosene or candles for light. Instead of Buy One Get One, it's Buy One Give One. Noble, and actually a very good product.

Imagine my surprise then, soon after I bought my Bogo light, to see a commercial for Payless Shoes in which they kept saying bogo! bogo! bogo! and flashing it all over the screen. It was a Buy One Get One sale, with no donations to the poor in sight. In fact, bogo stands for two things -- take your pick. :)

JW Moxie said...

My favorite acronyms are the words fubar and snafu, for sure!