Sunday, 10 August 2008

Lifestyle dreams

Hmmm, don't tell my parents, but I've been rummaging around the property websites of Australia, Melbourne in particular! You get so much more for money when compared to the United Kingdom as the Australians clearly know how to design a house - open plan living with formal spaces tucked away, large master bedrooms with walk in wardrobes and fabulous ensuites (not to mention lovely things like laundry rooms and walk in pantries and covered outdoor spaces)

For the same amount of money you get so much less on this side of the world, clearly we don't have the same amount of space to play with and neither can we really have dedicated outdoor space as it rains far too much here, not to mention that we have far less sunshine (or at least pleasant weather) year round.

At this present point in time I have no plans to go to Australia as I have plenty to do in the UK (like get a Masters - paid for by work hopefully!), but I have been thinking about it, particularly as the outdoor lifestyle does rather appeal. I will continue to ponder on this issue, but I am thinking that when I get to 40 (erk!) and if I still don't have a partner or family and am more or less doing the same job, then I will think more seriously about possibly popping over to the other side of the world, even if just for a few years.

Of course, why not do this now....well, despite the fabulous houses, I don't think that I am quite ready to make such a dramatic move now and in any case I think that I'd get a better chance of finding a job with this Masters that I am thinking of doing. I am thinking that if I just go about my life and putting some savings away at the same time, then I can see what might happen in a few years time? Naturally anything could happen between now and then as I am still only 33!!


Anonymous said...

It doesn't hurt to think about it and dream a little bit though, right?

Anonymous said...

I won't tell your parents :) haha! ITs the same way in the states too. Our house in California would be worth almost 10 times what it is worth here!
This post made me feel hopeful for an unknown future, for great days ahead :) Thanks for writing with such enthusiasm! :)